Duke Al Durham

Duke Al Durham - Photo by Tyrone Lewis @ProcessProductions

Duke Al Durham


Spoken Word Poet, Author, Rapper and Creative Practitioner

Duke Al is a published poet, spoken word artist, rapper, and creative practitioner.
Writing rhymes is Duke Al’s therapy. From a young age, Duke Al would scribble raps
and poems in his old lyric book. It was his way of expressing himself; an escapism to
challenge his OCD. A passion of words, flow and rhyme flared. After being
diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at age 23, the pen was there to help him understand
and articulate how he felt. Now he aims to make an impactful change using one
rhyme at a time. He is the author of ‘Bittersweet: The Highs, The Lows, Hypers and
Hypos of Living with Type 1 Diabetes’. You can find Duke Al’s recent published work
on Cardiff Metropolitan University ‘Move More Cardiff’ initiative, BT Sports ‘Sport in
Words’ for Black History Month on Sir Lewis Hamilton, BBC Wales, Artes Mundi
journal, on Amazon and BBC Scrum V for The Six Nations 2022. To learn more
about his work please follow him on Instagram and Twitter @dukealdurham.