OCD Gamechangers and Poet Treehouse are collaborating online for an Open Mic: Mental Health Storytelling!
We will be collaborating in several countries in person in 2025 to present speakers and an open mic format for creative storytelling for OCD/anxiety and mental health. And to kick off this initiative, we wanted to open this up online for participants anywhere in the world!
Bring your song, spoken word, rap, instrument, poetry, and your lived experience story in an online format to be viewed by individuals who understand exactly what it’s like to live with OCD and anxiety! Participants will have 5 minutes to share their creative expressions that embody their experience with OCD/anxiety. The online Open Mic will have a closed audience as well.
Saturday, May 17th (Sunday for Australia and NZ participants). Our event will include as many timezones as possible and it will be hosted online by Chrissie Hodges of OCD Gamechangers and Duke Al-Durham from Poet Treehouse.
Registration for Participants opens: March 1st
Registration for Attendance opens: April 1st
Please email ocdgamechangers@gmail.com if you have questions or would like to sponsor this event!