Natasha Daniels

Natasha Daniels

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Natasha Daniels

OCD Specialist

Natasha Daniels is an anxiety and OCD child therapist with over two decades of experience. She combines both her clinical expertise with her lived experience, raising her own three kids with anxiety and OCD. She is the author of several books including Anxiety Sucks: A Teen Survival Guide, How to Parent Your Anxious Toddler, Social Skills Activities for kids, It’s Brave to Be Kind, The Grief Rock, and her latest book, Crushing OCD Workbook for Kids. She is the creator of the website AT Parenting Survival, As well as the host to the show AT Parenting Survival Podcast and the Youtube channel, Ask the Child Therapist. Her work has been featured in various places including Huffington Post, PsychCentral, The Child Mind Institute and The Mighty.