What Gamechangers Do

What EXACTLY does OCD Gamechangers do?

OCD Gamechangers is a nonprofit organization that recognizes the importance of community in promoting awareness, access to treatment, and reducing stigma around OCD. We believe that creating community can help people feel less alone and motivated to reach out for treatment, and give them the courage to speak out and reach others who are struggling with OCD.

Our focus is on empowering members of the OCD community to become advocates and leaders in their own communities. To achieve this, we have several initiatives in place to bring people together, facilitate communication and collaboration, and provide support and resources to help individuals take action. We believe that every person in our community has something valuable to contribute, and by working together, we can find solutions to the barriers that prevent people from getting the help and hope they need.

OCD Gamechangers Annual Event

In 2018, Chrissie founded OCD Gamechangers with the goal of bringing together advocates who were working to reach individuals with OCD and create a community of partnership and support. She organized an event to showcase the innovative projects and initiatives of these advocates, which included a mastermind group of 8 individuals and a Ted-Talk style presentation to an audience of individuals with OCD, their families, and therapists in the Denver community.

OCD Gamechangers continues to be a platform for advocates to connect, collaborate, and showcase their work, with the aim of raising awareness, breaking down stigma, and providing support to those affected by OCD. The organization is committed to promoting mental health and empowering individuals to take action and make a difference in their communities.

In 2019, OCD Gamechangers expanded its event to a half-day format and included therapists who were doing innovative work to address the gaps in providing help to those with OCD globally. Despite the event taking place on the day of the largest blizzard of the winter, it was a resounding success. The event included two panel discussions on OCD Treatment and OCD and Addiction, as well as an evening event that showcased personal stories from OCD Advocates on “The Emotional Side of OCD.”

The event continues to bring together a diverse group of individuals, including those with OCD, their families, therapists, and advocates, in a supportive and empowering atmosphere. Through these events, OCD Gamechangers continues to raise awareness, break down stigma, and provide a platform for individuals to share their experiences and connect with others in the OCD community.

OCD Gamechangers is dedicated to creating a global network of support for those affected by OCD. Our annual international events, held every October, provide a platform for individuals to connect and find hope and help. This year, we partnered with Stuart Ralph of ‘The OCD Stories’ and brought together local advocates and an OCD therapist for a successful event. The program featured personal stories of living with OCD, discussions on the impact of the disorder, and strategies for managing symptoms and becoming an advocate. The event also included a panel chat where attendees could engage with advocates and an OCD expert to have their questions answered.

OCD Gamechangers is dedicated to empowering individuals to establish supportive communities in their local areas. To meet this objective, we are launching our custom support program in 2020, providing guidance and consultation on creating community events. Our aim is to assist individuals in establishing a support network tailored to their local community’s needs.

OCD Gamechangers Pop Up Events are designed to provide a platform for individuals to share their experiences and connect with others in their community. The events are open to the public and can be tailored to meet the specific needs of the local community. The organizer of the event will work closely with OCD Gamechangers in planning, marketing, and securing sponsorships to support the event. An OCD Gamechangers board member will attend and co-host the event, and the organizer will receive follow-up consultations to help grow their community involvement.

OCD Gamechangers International and Pop-up Events for the Public

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